Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prayers for Col. Hadley

Jerry Hadley, a member of our congregation, was promoted to Colonel in the United States Army. I was honored to be asked offer a prayer at the beginning and of the promotion ceremony. Please keep him and all officers in command of our nation's military in your prayers.

Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer of all things, we recall the ancient words, “Blessed are the peacemakers…” and so we ask your blessing on this gathering of women and men who are so devoted to the call of peace that they are willing to give of their time, energy and even their very lives for causes of righteousness, justice and freedom. This day we recognize one from their midst whom you have granted special skills of leadership, wisdom and courage. As he is promoted to this new level of authority, may he receive this position with humility and a determination to lead those under his command with fairness and valor in the service of this State, this country, and of you. Together, may he and those under his command overcome those who oppress and cause harm and may each one be constantly under your protection and guidance. These things we pray in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen.

And now, may the God of Power keep you strong in all of life’s struggles. May the God of Righteousness keep you faithful to the goals of freedom and liberty. May the God of Majesty protect when you confront adversaries and grant you victory. And may the God of All grant you, your families, the State of Indiana and the United States of American peace in our time. This is our prayer offered in the name of the Lord, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. Amen.

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